Question 1: Which of the following fractions is between 0.2 and 0.3?
Question 2: What is 7/5 as a percentage?
Question 3: Karim has charges on his credit card of EGP 63.70, EGP 37.32, and EGP 81.78. If he pays down half his bill at once, and then pays the rest in four equal monthly installments, how much is each monthly installment?
Question 4: Which of these decimals has the least value?
Question 5: Solve (14-2)x6-4÷2
Question 6: On Monday the temperature is 58 degrees, on Tuesday it is 64 degrees, and on Wednesday it is 70 degrees. On Thursday, it is five degrees hotter than it was on Monday. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are all the same temperature as Tuesday. What is the average temperature for the week, rounded to the nearest whole degree?
Question 7: What is the arithmetic mean of all of the odd numbers between 7 and 21, inclusive?
Question 8: Ahmed drives for 1 hour at 33 miles per hour, 3 hours at 45 mph and travels at 60 mph for 30 minutes. What is his average speed during the trip?
Question 9: What is the number missing from the equation: 1/12 + 1/3 = 1/6 + ?
Question 10: During the summer vacation Mai made three hikes. The First took her 2 days 45 minutes, the second 1 day 22 hours 45 minutes and the third 2 days 7 hours 20 minutes. What was Mai's total hiking time for the summer vacation?
Question 11: Identify the next number in the following sequence: 1, 9, 25, 49, 81, ... ?